Japan: Almost a Normal EconomyDiscussions about Japan’s economic malaise tend to go beyond describing macroeconomic cycles and spill over into broader statements of…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Japan has a new government and a new opposition. Now what?Four years into writing sporadically about Japanese politics, the overall impression is that there’s a tremendous amount of noise, a…Nov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020
I Tried Drawing a High-Speed Rail Map for the USThere are numerous sketches showing a dream high-speed rail network for the US, and they inevitably include multiple horizontal…Jun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020
What this election suggests about Canada’s partiesThe last federal election occurred just weeks after I arrived in Canada for university, more or less by accident. In my mind, the…Oct 30, 2019Oct 30, 2019
Proportional representation: Why I’ve changed my mindAnother entry in my never-ending pontifications about majoritarianism vs. proportionality — though I have a much different take this time.Oct 13, 2019Oct 13, 2019